Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Welcome to the Calls to Worship Blog

I am a minister in the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) and I find myself scrambling to come up with an appropriate Call to Worship every week. I don't always follow the Lectionary so there aren't always as many resources for me to match it up with the scripture.

So I'm really putting together this blog for my own purposes, as a way to archive and organize all the Calls to Worship I have used and will use. Will I recycle them? Maybe, if enough time has passed.

I've been writing calls to worship for nearly 3 years now and my wife was doing it for about a year before that, so we've amassed quite the collection.

I probably end up writing most of my own Calls to Worship. If I don't, I typically get them from two main sources:

Worship Connection - a great free resource provided by Cokesbury and the UMC. Follows the lectionary.

Chalice Worship - this is the worship resource book put out by my denomination; a copy sits under my computer at all times. The responsive calls to worship it has are good, but it's not really viable to use every week because the list is so short.

I also get a bunch from scripture, and I often use Eugene Peterson's Message translation so that we actually think about the words we're saying.

You'll also see a bunch that use the words from hymns - another invaluable resource.

This is probably the biggest reason I wanted to do this in blog format. I can tag each post with a source, scripture, occasion, theme, etc. This will make it much easier for me and maybe someone out there to find just the right one on a given week.

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